We remember
This section of the website memorialises those who made a major contribution to the Quicksilver project but did not live to see the final fruits of what they collectively contributed so much to. It is being developed over time as a lasting tribute to their devoted efforts to the cause of bringing the boat into being. There were no guarantees as to ultimate success, but still they gave freely of their talents and enthusiasm. And patience was needed in large measure. But that is all part of this fabulous, infuriating game.
We're beginning with Bo Johansson, Ken Allen and Graham Pool. Over time we will turn to Brian Ball, Ken Norris, John Macknight, Ron Earwicker and others who, at different stages in the project's evolution, made their contributions of time and effort and helped us – on every level – be what we are today.
They will not be forgotten.

Images © QWSR Ltd.